If you ended up here, it's either a coincidence, or you're a little curious to find out something more about us 😊
We won't deny it: it wasn't easy to describe here, in a few lines, in black and white, what we are. Because we are many things, people, places, inspirations and passions; but let's keep it simple.
We are a small group of guys constantly looking for a healthy lifestyle and super passionate about nature. We like to move, walk in the mountains, surf in the ocean, do yoga at sunset and travel to discover the world.
We dream of bringing the essence of nature into our days with respect and care for our planet.
This is where Maama was born: we imagine, develop and produce natural, organic, 100% plant-based products made to be at your side - and ours - in every moment of life.
Our story
We made the chocolate we always wanted to eat: pure. Bio. Worked at low temperatures.
We made it with the finest cocoa beans. Broad beans of the Criollo species, from the rainforests of the Amazon and the fruit forests of the island of Bali. Fruit forests which, through permaculture and polyculture systems, are regenerating and reactivating the virtuous cycle of nature on those enchanted islands.
We made our chocolate with cocoa beans dried gently in the sun, to best preserve all the nutritional elements. We sweetened it with a pinch of what is considered the most natural and wholesome sweetener: coconut flower nectar.
We have made a chocolate with the original strength of cocoa intact. That strength that made it considered "The Food of the Gods".
We then combined our chocolate with the most precious superfoods, and created our protein bars.
All strictly organic and cold processed.
Raw. Gluten free. With no added sugar. Vegan.
We put the wonders of nature in a finger. And we made it delicious.​